Month: January 2020

Is It Bad to Settle With the IRS???


You may have heard on the radio, TV, and online, that you can settle your tax bill for less than what you owe. But are these claims actually true? And can you really settle with the IRS without hurting yourself in the long run? Some of these national tax resolution firms you hear advertising offer very little service, just look at their Google and Yelp Reviews.  So it’s important to know who to trust and get educated on what your options are to resolve your tax problem. As a local expert Tax Resolution Firm ourselves based in Maine and serving…


3 Tax Resolution Strategies the IRS Offers

Tax Resolution

Taxes are a fact of life, but tax resolution problems shouldn’t be. If you find yourself in tax trouble, the IRS has clear plans for how to proceed in collecting what they believe you owe. After sending you notices, the IRS can garnish your wages, levy your bank account, even put a lien on your property. However, the IRS also has clear tax relief options for taxpayers.  In this article, we’ll give you 3 options the IRS has to resolving your tax debt. Note, we always recommend getting in touch with a specialized tax resolution professional to help avoid the…


Why Doing Your Own Business Taxes or Resolving Your Own Tax Problem is a Terrible Idea


Running your own business means wearing a lot of hats, from office cleaner and supplies buyer to client schmoozer and payroll maker. But should you add tax preparer to your already long list of duties? What if you have a tax problem with the IRS? What if doing your own taxes creates a tax problem? We often see small business clients, clients with either a schedule C, or a corporation, partnership or LLC, with payroll and income tax problems, or an audit, simply because they thought they could do it on their own.  It’s a bad idea. If you are…